خبرگزاری اهل‌بیت(ع) - ابنا

دوشنبه ۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۳
در حال بارگذاری؛ صبور باشید
۲۸ اسفند
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Urgent: Parachinari Shia Resistance Frees Occupied Khevas village

The current wave of clashes erupted early September when the Takfiri Taliban Terrorists took positions on the tops of the mountains overlooking Shia Villges of Shalozan and targetted Shia civilian with heavy weapons.
According to the information recieved by ABNA (PR), on the day before yesterday mid night armed taliban terrorist from neghiboring afghanistan paktia province attacked the border village "Khevas" shalozan of Shia tribes by murdering more than 30 people and injuring scores of others and set it on fire.
Ironicaly the security forces FC (Frontier Corps) did not took action against Taliban invadors and thier local symptheathors and intertainers i.e. the Afghan Fugitives mengal tribe who with the passage of time occupied the area with stae support.
In the fresh wave of Taliban invasion they used heavy weapons on the Shia civilians of Shalozan and suburbs and murdered innocent children and women.
in the recent days the reggion witnessed tough fight between the mercenary terror gangs and the Shia Defenders and the Governmetn forces severally fired the Shia posiotns whith heavy artilary and gunship helicopters, when the terror gangs felt inadequate facing the shia defenders.
When the fugitive mengal tribe and thier foreign supporters from Taliban and Al-Qaedah, especially those of haqani terror network, captured the strategic village of Khevas, the FC and political administration of Kurram Agency became active for sieze fire. Turi and bangash tribes elders agrreed as they always cooperated with political admin and security forces even of one sided actions, step mother treatement & clear cut state terror, but on the funeral ceremony of one of the resistancs commander "Ghadeer Hussain" thousands of the people decided to teach an examplerly lesson to the foreign millitants and taliban terrorists and recapture the occupied moutnanious tarritory, free the live defenders and the dead bodies of the martyred in Khevas village.
According to the reports, Yesterday Night the shia defenders started their counterattack and when the slogen of "Ya Ali (AS)" reverberated in the mountains, the terror gangs left their trenches with little resistancs shown their backs to the defendes fleeing toward the Afghan Border.
Thus the Shia residents of Kurram agency not only freed the Khevas village but freed all the occupied mountainous terroritry from ther fugitive occupiers with addition to Shia deadbodies.
According to reliable sources in during all the resistance 8 Shia defenders were martyred while more than 100 millitants mainly foregin taliban terrorists killed and a number of them brought in captivity. the defenders exceeded amounts of weapons.
This is to mention that the Shia resisitance forces i.e. the Tribal Lashkar have controlled the area freeing the vilages nemaley "Khairuddin", "Kabuli", "Khanshah Mela", "Shapu" and "Narai" while the terror gangs have took position on the overlooking border Moutain.
During the 18 days tough war more than 60 Shia people, including innocent women and children, have martured and more than 200 wers wounded.